Sunday, August 17, 2008

What Is Day Trading

Category: Finance.

If you are interested in day trading you first need to know what it is all about and to understand the basics of day trading.

Please note: The tips presented in this article mainly applies to day trading. As of today, there are thousands of people who are doing quite well for themselves using day trading. But these concepts can also be used for options trading, day trading online and penny stock trading. Day traders typically hold stocks anywhere from only a few seconds to several hours but they never keep stocks overnight. What is Day Trading? Successful traders are patient and wait for a ride on the strong move which may occur only once a day.

Day trading is not for everybody, and anybody who wants to work as a day trader needs lots of skills and financial knowledge in order to succeed. But don t be fooled by all the glory of day trading. It is not technically even investing. It is serious business where you could lose everything within minutes because of wrong information. Day trading can be stressful and requires guts and a keen business sense. Here are some tips that will help you to succeed with day trading: Keep your expectations realistic. Is there any serious profession that you can learn without a mentor?

Get a mentor. Pretend, or paper trade for a little while, make sure you re earning profits consistently, and then you can start to think about using some of your real money- but only some! Observe good traders. Always trade with the trend. Characteristics of Successful Traders. Successful Day Trading typically requires skill, competence with those skills, and discipline as well as experience and knowledge of the markets.

If you want to succeed with day trading, then you should do exactly what the professional traders do: A winner realizes that he produces the emotions he experiences related to day trading and assumes responsibility to resolve deep- seated root causes for negative emotions that interfere with his trading business. Winners take positive action in spite of their fears. A successful trader knows that a" good" trade is made when you follow your trading plan to the letter regardless of a profit or loss result. Winning traders manage their fear while losers are controlled by it. Winning traders understand that winning in the markets means" cash flow" . There are two core skills in day trading: first the ability to anticipate the market( read the market) and second, having the discipline to execute your plan. In Conclusion.

You must execute the buy and sell signals with confidence- these signals will lead to trading success in the long run, as you rigidly adhere to your method. Trading is a numbers game. Buy low, follow trends, sell high, and protect your investments.

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