Category: Finance.
When you own a small business and only employ a few people, it can be frustrating to be the boss and have to fill in when someone can not show up for work. This may not be the end of the world if it only happens occasionally, but your business will flounder and suffer if you are always required to pick up the slack because of the employees you hire.
You may have other business related matters to attend to, but end up having to run the counter for the day instead. Hiring employees might be something that is totally new to you if you have never done it before. It is a sad but true fact that when you employ relatives and friends, no one expects to be treated with favoritism more than they. A lot of times people who open a new small business of their own will be tempted to hire friends or relatives and sometimes this can work out alright, but sometimes it will just end up becoming a nightmare. They may not start out like that or be that way intentionally, but it will happen more often than you might be prepared to deal with. When you hire someone you must make sure you have rules concerning being on time, taking time off unexpectedly, and be clear about responsibilities of the job. You do not have to be a jerk to be a boss, but you are the boss.
You need to let them know the pay they will get, benefits they will have or not have, and when and if a pay raise will be forthcoming. Many business owners will hire teenagers for certain jobs because they may require less pay, but what they do not usually take into account is that teenagers are not always reliable. If you require total dependability, there are a few types of people you will need to steer clear of if possible. Not that it is the case with all of them, just some. They attend school and that obligation should come first, they like to date on the weekends, or they might decide they had rather work somewhere else since your job will probably not be a permanent position for them anyway. There are however things that are true with all of them usually. Then there are mothers with young children.
Not that you should not consider a mother with children, just be prepared to make allowances for her if necessary. They often need a job, maybe just part time, but they will have a responsibility at home if a child becomes ill and that will be their top priority, not your job. When you hire a man with a family to support, be sure you are able to pay him enough to make the job worth while or chances are he will take something better when it comes along out of necessity. .
In This Article, You Will Find Basic Information About The RV Financing Process - Finance Blog:Every RVer and even those considering being one must consider how they will finance their RVs.
Fact: Your Stop Is Not Visible To The Market Maker - Finance Articles:I just finished a training session on the internet and I answered a question that I have answered 100 times before or more. I am going to attack one of the straw men of trading myths.